Student Race Advocates are Black, Asian or other ethnically diverse students from a range of courses and levels who are employed by the University to actively support and promote the needs of Black, Asian and other ethnically diverse students. They achieve this through contributing to many aspects of the University’s work, ensuring excellent service delivery across the University and ensuring fair representation and treatment of all students.

Over the last two years we have employed a range of international and home students to work as Advocates, including undergraduates, some in their very first year, as well as MA and DProf students.

Through listening to the wider student voice, the impact of the Advocate’s input has included changes to a number of important services including:

  • careers initiatives
  • welfare processes
  • international student induction
  • curriculum diversity

This has seen the Student Race Advocates:

  • work with our Careers and Employability team to agree promotional material, create employability profiles and interview influential staff both within the University and in organisations to develop podcasts
  • work with our Wellbeing and Mental Health team to review web content and policies
  • promote services and attend formal committees to give their views.

Our Student Race Advocates have also:

  • been supported with a structured training and mentoring programme and had the opportunity to complete the accredited Mental Health First Aid course to support student wellbeing
  • undertaken the ‘I am Remarkable session’, focussed on confidence building
  • delivered workshops and events as part of the University’s annual Diversity Festival
  • created podcasts and videos
  • spoken at conferences and delivered TEDX talks.

Through the work of the Student Race Advocates, the University has gained new perspectives, improved processes and developed staff knowledge though increased understanding of the issues Black, Asian or other ethnically diverse students face.

You can get in touch with the Student Race Advocates:

We are currently recruiting for ten student Race Advocates to work with the University in 22/23.

In 2022/23 the Advocates will have the opportunity to contribute to projects which will reduce BAME attainment gaps, identify barriers to a range of University services faced by BAME students and develop videos, campaigns, social media content, events and more.

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