Did you know as a University of Chester student you can get access to lots of FREE stuff?
Check out all the details below:
Fitness classes
At Exton Park we run several fitness classes each week which are completely free for all students.
These include:
- Circuits in the Gym
- Spin
- Core Blast
- Kettlebells
Places are limited so you need to book your place for each class you’d like to attend.
Click here to access the fitness class booking system.
Please note; if you attend a class but have not booked, you will not be able to attend and will be turned away.
Libby app
The Libby app gives you access to over 1000 fiction and non-fiction books. Just download it from your app store, sign in with your university login and borrow any books that catch your eye. Loans will be returned automatically after 14 days but you can re-borrow the book if it’s available.
Box of Broadcasts (BoB)
BoB is the on-demand TV and radio service for education. BoB lets you record and catch-up on missed programmes from over 60 channels. You can also view archived recordings using the search tool and create and share playlists. Access it here and sign in with your uni login.
Kanopy provides streamed access to movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films and educational videos on a range of topics, with curated, themed collections to support your learning and wellbeing. Access it here and sign in with your uni login.
Active Zone
At University Centre Birkenhead we have a free Active Zone for all students. This is open during standard site opening times and can be accessed via your student card. Check out the Sport and Active Lifestyle tile on the UoC app to find out more.
The Telegraph – website, app, puzzles and podcasts
All students can now get free access to The Telegraph’s website, app, puzzles and podcasts (usually £300). Just sign up with your university email to get started.
Active Campus sessions
If you’re not interested in joining a sports team but still want to engage in some team and individual activities, then our Active Campus Programme is just the thing for you.
With regular, free, non-competitive activities on offer, our programme gives you and your friends the opportunity to join in and have fun without the commitment needed to join a sports team.
Please note; we also run a 7-a-side football league within the University community during term time which is just £8 a term to play.
Find out more about our Active Campus offer.
Laptop loan
You can loan a laptop from the following libraries with your student ID card:
- Exton Park
- Wheeler
- Queen’s Park
- University Centre Warrington
Laptops are available for loan for four hours at a time for on-campus use only.
Don’t forget to save your work to a removable storage device because these devices are wiped on a regular basis.
Ask at the Library Helpdesk for more information.
Please note: the Lapsafe laptops in Seaborne Library are only available for use in Seaborne Library. Usage in another building is not permitted.
Sports pitches and courts
Our sports pitches, tennis courts and squash courts at Exton Park are free, however during term-time priority booking goes to our Athletics’ Union (AU) clubs, Active Campus sessions and community members. Bookings may be cancelled if the weather is not suitable to ensure our pitches aren’t damaged. Contact SAL@chester.ac.uk to find out more.
Linkedin Learning
As a UoC student you get free access to LinkedIn Learning – a leading online learning platform that helps you to learn and develop skills and competencies across a wide range of areas, including business and professional, digital and technical, and creative and software.
You can explore over 15,000 video tutorials from industry experts and leaders for free. Get started and sign in with your uni login.