Whether you’re living in university-owned accommodation or private housing, it’s important to implement some home security measures to keep your property safe and prevent you from becoming a victim of burglary.

Check out these top tips from Cheshire Police:

1. One in three burglaries occur due to an open or un-locked window or door. Keep doors and windows locked, even when you’re at home.

2. Make thieves feel exposed when they approach your property by using low fences and hedging on your accessible boundaries.

3. Use sensor lighting in the garden to deter trespassers.

4. Don’t leave tools and ladders around your garden as it makes them accessible for burglars to use.

5. Ensure your shed is secure using a good quality hasp and staple with a closed shackle padlock.

6. Fit British Standard Deadlocks to external doors and remember to use them whether you are in or out.

7. Ensure your burglar alarm is working correctly. If burglars do get into your home, a working alarm will cause them to flee quickly. Activate your alarm at night.

8. Make your home look occupied when you are out or away by using timer lights or leaving lights on.

9. Keep valuables out of sight of windows and letterboxes, particularly phone, tablets and keys.

10. Make items traceable. Write your postcode on property with a UV pen or consider specialist traceable liquid products which carry a forensic code.

11. Register the details of your property at www.immobilise.com. This website helps police identify owners of lost or stolen property.

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