Nominations for our Volunteering Awards have opened for this academic year!

These awards celebrate the achievements of our student volunteers and charitable organisations.

The Volunteering Awards consist of two separate awards:

Volunteer Opportunity of the Year Award (for students to nominate their voluntary organisation)

Have you volunteered for an incredible charity/not-for-profit organisation who deserves recognition? Has your voluntary charity/organisation gone above and beyond to make your experiences exceptional? Then this is your chance to give them the recognition they deserve!

    To nominate a Volunteer Opportunity of the Year please complete the nomination form.

    Volunteer of the year Award (for charities/not-for profit organisations or University staff to nominate an exceptional student volunteer)

    To nominate a Volunteer of the Year please complete the nomination form.

    Nominations for both Awards close on Wednesday 19 March.

    For more information, please email

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