The Islamic holy month of Ramadan is approaching. During this period, Muslims take part in fasting from dawn until sunset, and during these hours, no food or drink is consumed.
Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslim students and staff. May this sacred month bring peace and blessings to you and your family.
Our Muslim Chaplain, Imam Zeryab, is available for anyone who has any queries regarding Ramadan and Eid and anything else –
Throughout Ramadan, we’ll be holding led Friday Prayers every Friday:
Exton Park
- 12.30pm and 1.30pm
- Muslim Prayer Rooms, Exton Park
- Please attend whichever one best fits around your lectures.
Queen’s Park
- 1.10pm
- Prayer Room, Churchill House, Queen’s Park
We would encourage all students who study at Wheeler to attend Friday Prayers at Queen’s Park if possible.
We also have a range of Prayer Rooms across our other sites.
Fasting tips
Check out Zeryab’s top fasting tips for Ramadan:
- Ensure you are well rested the day before.
- Prepare the night before and plan times in the day when you can rest.
- Check your teaching timetable carefully and avoid rushing around in the morning.
- Have Suḥur (a pre-dawn meal) that is wholesome and filling to help sustain energy for many hours.
- If you have lectures in the morning take a rest in the afternoon, and if your lectures are in the afternoon take a short rest during the morning hours.
- If you feel tired and sluggish, refresh yourself with wudhu (ritual ablution).
- Eat healthy when you break your fast (Iftar) at the end of the day.
- Drink lots of water between sunset and sunrise. It is good to sip small amounts whilst praying, doing revision, reading and other activities to keep you hydrated for the following long fasting hours
- Limit all kinds of physical activities, take the opportunity to rest when you can
- If your health is put at serious risk due to the fast, through possible dehydration or injury, you can break your fast. You can make up the broken fast at a later date when your health is better.
Student Experience Podcast
The latest episode of our Student Experience Podcast also focuses on the experiences of students during Ramadan and the support available at the University.
Shaunagh and Lily are joined by Zeryab (University Muslim Chaplain), Mariam (Student and President of Islamic Society) and Masoma (Student and Race Advocate) who share their perspectives on:
- The significance of Ramadan and its role in self-discipline, reflection, and empathy.
- The challenges Muslim students may face, from managing energy levels to balancing academic commitments.
- Practical guidance for staff and students on fostering an inclusive and supportive campus culture.
- The importance of community and ways to connect with others during Ramadan.