Our Postgraduate Academic Research Conference (PARC) takes place between Tuesday 13 May and Friday 16 May.

We want to engage Postgraduate Taught/Masters (PGT) students in the University’s Research Culture and have decided that this year for the University’s Fourth Annual PARC, all PGT students will be invited to participate and attend each day of the conference.

This year we’re also dedicating time to PGT students to present on the Tuesday. Students will have the opportunity to present their current research by giving a 10 minute oral presentation or a 5 minute elevator pitch on what they want to research at the next level. Students also have the option to do a Poster presentation on their current research on Thursday 15 May.

As this is the first year we are actively seeking PGT students to be involved we thought it would be a good idea for any students who are thinking of continuing their studies or have already registered to continue, to do a 5 min elevator pitch on what they intend to research. If presenting, students are invited to and encouraged to attend each day of the PARC event. 

Students can register and/or submit an abstract to present a paper or poster at PARC’25 via the below form(s). Please note, the Registration Form needs to be completed as well as the Abstract submission form.

Deadline to submit an application to be involved is Monday 10 March 2025.

Abstract Submission Form – Postgraduate Taught Students

PARC ’25 Registration Form

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