We want to improve the usability and functionality of Moodle – and we need your help! 

Moodle is an important part of how you learn and complete assessments at the University – and we want to hear from you about how you use it, and any improvements you’d like to see on the platform. You can get involved in three ways: 

  1. Complete this short survey. The survey is anonymous, and includes a few questions on your experience with Moodle, what you like, what you’d change, and what you’d want to see on the platform. 
  1. Participate in a focus group. We’re looking for participants for two online focus groups, running on Tuesday 28 January 10am-11am or Thursday 30 January 2pm-3pm. There are 16 spaces available (eight per day), and these will be given to the first people to sign up. To sign up for a focus group, please email laura.milne@chester.ac.uk with the date of the focus group you would like to join. 
  1. Participate in our Co-design workshops: Work with your fellow students and with staff members to co-design what you want to see within Moodle. There will be four co-design workshops scheduled across February, featuring creative activities to provide input into what you want to see on Moodle in the future. If you would like to participate in the co-design workshops (1 hour 30 minutes time commitment, dates to be announced), please email laura.milne@chester.ac.uk to be on the invite list. There are eight places available. Cake will be provided to spur on creativity! 

Note: you can participate in one element without participating in the others – for example, you can join a focus group or co-design session and complete the survey. 

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