Talk Money Week is all about encouraging you to be more open about your money with friends, family, and support services who can point you in the right direction if you need a bit of help.
Despite the current focus on the cost of living and household finances, talking about money can still feel awkward, but it needn’t be. Talking about your money can help you feel more confident to manage your money and give you greater financial resilience to deal with future income changes, or life events which affect your finances.
Integrating money conversations into your everyday life, whether that’s discussing how you’re feeling about your finances, or simply just sharing a money saving tip, can help to make it less of a taboo subject for everyone around you.
Chances are there’s people close to you who are, or have been, worried about the same thing you are.
Research shows that people who talk about money regularly:
- Make better and less risky financial decisions.
- Have stronger personal relationships.
- Help their children form good lifetime money habits.
- Feel less stressed or anxious and more in control.
- Are more willing to ask for help if unexpected financial challenges crop up.
This year, we’re asking everyone to do one thing to boost their financial wellbeing. It doesn’t have to be big. It could be as simple as talking to your children about money, asking a friend how they are, or even just scanning your bank statements to look for spending patterns where you can save money.
You could also read the Money Helper guides on talking to your partner about money or talking with friends about money if you’re not sure how to get started. Whatever you choose to do, it’s a first step to increasing your financial wellbeing.
Head over to the Your Money Portal page where you’ll find lots of information on how to save money, how to budget, and lots more.
If you’d like to book an appointment with one of our Student Money Advisers, give our Student Services Helpdesk a call on 01244 511550 or drop them an email at